Month: October 2016


What my depression taught me

Recently I have heard from those close to me of  three teenage girls who have tried and even succeeded in taking their own life.  In church we have talked about depression and suicide A lot in recent months.  It has become  very personal to me with those I care about most. It is my intention […]

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the way he looks at me

I think I knew Jeremy was the one from the way he looked at me. And the fact that He was the lead singer of a rock band😉 when he proposed he sang “wonderful tonight” while playing the guitar on a blanket in the middle of a park underneath the stars. He changed the last […]

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a few favs

I enjoy it when people share their favorite things and most things I try come from recommendations from blogs.  My sister Lyndi, at lyndi in the city,  is amazing for really good advice on all kinds of beauty. I was not blessed with this gift. She has also spent a lot a lot of time and […]

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my eternal dream

From the day thoughts first formed that I can remember I longed for you, for these moments. Each day I prepared by nurturing others children as if they were my own. For over a quarter century I grew and longed for you, Until you came into my arms a piece of me lay empty and […]

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sunk truck

My dad always worried his boat might sink, not his truck. It was a beautiful day on lake havasu! Thanks to mom and dad, we were here for a super fun vacation. Dad and James were at the boat launch while the rest of us waited near the London bridge.  Upon hearing the news we couldn’t believe it. Dad put the […]

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bah! humbug!!

It’s October, and yes I was listening, no, dancing around the kitchen to Christmas music. Jeremy walked in to the room and said with disgust “uggg! Christmas music?”… “I hate Christmas” all Grinch like. Well, instead of getting mad for demeaning my favorite holiday and my happy moment, I asked sincerely why. And there it was…I don’t hate […]

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our weekly tradition of F.H.E. (family home evening)

Hope gave a fantastic lesson. she told the familiar account of peter walking on water to Jesus. she asked what are the waves in our lives that take our focus off the savior.  Wilson made delicious melt in your mouth chocolate chip cookies. he asked if theres a way to keep that wonderful smell in our house […]

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ode to Jeremy

I have been more impressed with Jeremy each day. He hasn’t slept most nights trying to get assignments done. He works harder than he ever has in his life, I don’t know many people who could do this at our age. He isn’t content with passing, he wants straight A’s. But what has impressed me […]

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Friday inspiration

I listened to this speech while jogging this morning, it was in answer to my prayer! I love it and plan to teach from it tonight in scripture study to my children. These are just highlights from it. The personal experiences and wisdom  elder Burton share are incredible and inspiring. To see our […]

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a zip line and the plan of happiness

For his 40th birthday Jeremy and I went on a zip line tour last week. Before we began the adventure we were instructed on the safety equipment and how to use it.  Next we rode a ski lift high into the mountains. Again we were instructed before going on a short practice run. We jumped into a  jeep and rode over rocky terrain to the […]

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