Friday inspiration

I listened to this speech while jogging this morning, it was in answer to my prayer! I love it and plan to teach from it tonight in scripture study to my children. These are just highlights from it. The personal experiences and wisdom  elder Burton share are incredible and inspiring.

To see our way clearly through the conflicts of everyday living so as to find the course which will ultimately prove to be the best course—that is hard. This is because in much of life the rules have not been revealed, the way is not lighted, and there is no precedent. Each of us must find and walk his or her own path to perfection. The scriptures provide much help and we can profit from the experiences of others, but the fact remains that life is full of lonely moments when we alone decide what we will or will not do.

Part of the Plan

It would surprise me very much if the Lord did not know all of this. I am very certain that he wants it to be this way. He tells us, for example,

It is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness.

For the power is in them wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward. [D&C 58:26–28]

In other words, it is intended that we have a significant measure of discretion and control over our own lives. In areas where we are not commanded, we are to be agents unto ourselves. We are not going to be controlled or commanded from heaven in these areas, whether we want to be or not.

We must recognize that throughout our lives we will be required to choose between duty or obligation and other more or less attractive alternatives. Should we watch television or go visiting teaching? Should we spend time with the family or with friends? Do we read the scriptures or the latest novel? Do we leave the children home or take them with us? Do we go into debt or do without? Each of these choices when made excludes others. Were it otherwise, there could be no real probation. The Designer of the plan of salvation made it that way. By watching and observing where our hearts are as the result of the free choices we make, he then knows who and what we really are.

Let us not make the mistake of criticizing the inheritance of time given us by our Father. Let us rather look at what he would have us do with the time we have been given.

I know that one of our greatest blessings as Latter-day Saints is that we need never look back. We need never ask what might have been. Should I have dropped out of school or struggled to get my degree? Should I have married Sally instead of the girl I did marry? What if I had taken that job in the East instead of teaching school?

We Can Know beyond Doubt

If we have been worthy, and if we have followed the guidance of the Spirit as manifested in the feelings of our hearts, then we can know beyond doubt that what is done was best. We can be certain, although there may have been trials, or we may be having difficulties, that we are where the Lord would have us be. We will know that, although the grass may seem greener elsewhere, our decision to enter the pasture we are in was prompted and purposeful and preparatory.

Knowing these things and knowing that for the most part we have done what the Lord wanted done can bring peace and joy beyond expression. No other people on earth can ever have this blessing, for it comes from having the companionship of the Holy Spirit.


May we so live as to have the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us make wise decisions at those moments in every day when we apply what we know in such a way as to be judged by what we do, I pray humbly

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