the way he looks at me

an7b2229I think I knew Jeremy was the one from the way he looked at me. And the fact that He was the lead singer of a rock band😉 when he proposed he sang “wonderful tonight” while playing the guitar on a blanket in the middle of a park underneath the stars. He changed the last line of the song to …”and so I ask you tonight , Marni will you be my wife?” Sometimes, like tonight he will come up behind me in the kitchen and say “will you marry me?” I’m pretty sure I look like this when I turn to him and say, “yes.”

I love that he still looks at me the way he did 18 years ago. I love that he thanks me for doing the laundry every single time.  I love that he listens with intent and genuinely wants to know about my day, my thoughts, whatever interests me.


Ive looked forward to Tuesdays since starting my class at UVU because I get to see him after class, and he walks me to my car while we hold hands.

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After one class with my first evaluation in hand, I walked as fast as my feet could go to the computer science building. I looked in all the usual places among the superhuman nerds. I ran up the stairs to the second and third floor. I couldn’t find him. I walked up the next level and when I looked up I yelled enthusiastically without thinking “honey!!” I practically ran over the poor scared girl in front me. And then he kissed me…in front of everyone. We sat on the grass under the fall trees. I told him about how I felt after my first teaching evaluation and what I learned in class today. He listened intently with his sweet smile and I thought “I’m the luckiest college girl in all the world.”when I opened my car door I found evidence that someone had snuck into it while I was in class. There was a note with some dead wildflowers and I thought, “lucky for me, Jeremy’s heart is all mine.



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