Month: January 2015


14 reasons I love Hope

For Hope on her 14th birthday…. 1. I love how you are thoughtful and kind. Tonight at dinner Kate said one of the things she loves most about you is that you’re always thinking of others more than yourself. she is right.   2. you are the best big sister and example to all your […]

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the beach

A beautiful mother  stood off in the distance, I saw her as I sat near the kids while they built sand castles. she was watching her daughter who was learning to surf and her dad was todays teacher .It was  tender and sweet to see a stranger yet fellow sister who was in that moment and always […]

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the one

Dallin has been really struggling with school. He has been diagnosed with several learning disabilities that make school hard for him . This past week I have seen my boy turn into something he is not. He comes home angry and tired . He usually sobs in the back seat all the way home from […]

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how to strengthen a family

Jeremy and I were asked to speak on the subject of how to strengthen families. I thought of how we discussed in detail what our goals would be for our children long before they were born. we wrote them down on a little note and taped it on our bathroom wall. our main goal was […]

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what I was born for

They say the two most important days in a persons life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. I knew not to long into my journey here on earth what my  purpose was. It is to be a mother… and not just any mother but , Hope, Wilson, Dallin and Kate s mom. […]

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new york

A love letter to New York: Though on the other side of my world, I dreamed of seeing you in person. on a beautiful fall day last October my dream came true.  I stepped foot onto the crowded pavement our first morning together and sensing the feelings of my heart you let down tears of joy! I could […]

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