ode to Jeremy


I have been more impressed with Jeremy each day. He hasn’t slept most nights trying to get assignments done. He works harder than he ever has in his life, I don’t know many people who could do this at our age. He isn’t content with passing, he wants straight A’s. But what has impressed me most is that even after a long night with no sleep he will call us for morning family prayer and make everyone laugh and feel loved. Even after a long day he will take a few minutes to play ping pong or talk with hope ono her bed about her day.


He is more patient and kind with all the added stress and lack of sleep than a normal human should be. So I’m pretty sure its the enabling power of the atonement working in our lives, there is no other way to explain it. I wish I could tell you how my heart could just burst when I wake up after a nice long sleep and see him in the other room intently working on a project for school, and he looks up and smiles at me. I run over to him and throw my arms around his neck and say, oh honey I’m so sorry! you were up all night again?” yes, but I did it! I finished.” that’s what he has become a finisher. The amount of integrity that oozes out of him could rescue this poor nation right now! ha! I don’t think I could be more proud if I were the wife of a millionaire, the president of the usa or even the prophet. The man he is today is worthy of admiration.

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