a zip line and the plan of happiness

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For his 40th birthday Jeremy and I went on a zip line tour last week. Before we began the adventure we were instructed on the safety equipment and how to use it.  Next we rode a ski lift high into the mountains. Again we were instructed before going on a short practice run. We jumped into a  jeep and rode over rocky terrain to the very top of the mountain.  There we were again met and instructed by trained helpers   They let us enjoy the view for a moment and then hooked up the equipment. The first ride I was a little nervous. I was concentrating on the warnings and directions of where to put on the brakes so I wouldn’t go crashing into the checkpoint. The thrill of it was intense, I was relieved I had made it alive. By the third run I was a pro and  super excited! The longest and fastest part of the ride was saved for last. The guide instructed us that there was no sign that showed us where to start breaking, we would need to do it on our own at the exact location he would tell us. It was by this turn, the last one, that I felt confident and enjoyed it the most.

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Like this zip lining adventure we may have felt a little nervous about coming to earth. In the pre-existence we were taught well, but not sure exactly what the experience would be like.  We were given a short space to experience mortality before the adversary could tempt us, then it would be time to move up and onward to the steeper adventure. But, a kind Heavenly father did not leave us alone. He gave us the gift of the Holy Ghost to harness us to him. To keep us connected to his divine guidance and protection. We can go fast or slow on our journey, all that matters is that we safely get there . The  Equipment we used to hang from the zip line we carried ourselves, but it was impossible for us to hook on without help,  Someone was always there to do it for us. If we had tried to use our own hands, or jump off without the equipment given, we would obviously die a horrible death. Likewise we die spiritually when we depend upon our own strength or our own intellect. Just as I carried my own backpack, we carry our own personal testimony. But even with our own  Faith we can’t do it alone. We need Jesus Christ’s atonement. We need his grace. We need to repent daily.


Today in the news, there’s stories of leaked video of the apostles meeting together to discuss concerns in the world today.  Maybe some whose mission it is to oppose the church and see it fall see this as a victory. But this has always been the case from the very beginning. Just as Lucifer opposed Jehovah and those who followed him, in the pre-mortal world, he stirs up hearts to anger today. Just as the Sadducees and Pharisees of old tried to trick Jesus in his words, meeting together often to find ways to put him to death, there are those who want to crucify him over, and over again.  We have been warned this past weekend that a great test is coming! That the attacks against the church will become more numerous until Jesus comes again to reign as Lord of lords and King of Kings.  So, let them come, because like Peter  I have asked the question, where else would I go. I have experienced and experimented on that question and for me the answer is the same as Peters! There is nowhere else to go . The same question Christ asked his early disciples he asks us today,”will you also go away?” Today is the day for that decision to be firmly placed in our hearts and minds. Not tomorrow, or the next day when the waves of commotion and the fiery darts of the adversary will get stronger.

When you’re riding a zip line the destination is not seen but already in place by those who made it. All I really needed to do was hold on and enjoy the ride! The prophets and apostles can see the end , they know what’s coming. The Lord speaks directly to them. God has a glorious ending in store for us and even though I cant see it, I can know that I’m going down the right path. If we are following the council from living prophets and our safety equipment is hooked on through the atonement of Jesus Christ, repenting daily and keeping our covenants with him, we cannot fall! We can enjoy the journey knowing we will arrive safely at the destination that has already been prepared for us by loving Heavenly parents.  The winds and hail may come and beat upon us, but I can see that the line is strong and secure . The line or vehicle God uses is His church.


What a blessing it is to be apart of it! Because of Christ’s church we can see things from a clearer perspective, we have the tools necessary, such as baptism and the priesthood to move us along the path. After I experienced the zip line three times I wasn’t scared even a tiny bit to ride the last and longest part . I knew I was safe, I could let go of fears and open my eyes to the beauty of what was always there. In like manner because I have had experiences with the gospel, because I have tried it out, I have seen and tasted its fruits. There is nothing else to compare to it! I know that if I do the little things each day to keep me connected to heavens power I will be ok. This morning while reading with Kate we came across a scripture in Mormon chapter 5. Mormon is speaking to us of the destruction he has seen, “I speak to the house of Israel who know from whence their blessings come, I know they will sorrow because this people hath not repented that they might have been clasped in the arms of Jesus. For the spirit of the Lord hath ceased to strive with them, they are without Christ and they are driven as chaff in the wind… they are led by satan even as chaff is driven before the wind.” In order to not be blown about, becoming something of no worth, we  must be anchored to something far stronger and greater than ourselves. We must be anchored to Jesus Christ.

I love the visual of being clasped in the arms of Jesus. A clasp is a device, usually of metal, for fastening together two things. On the zipline there was one metal clasp that held me to the wire line. I knew once the clasp was locked I would be securely fastened to the line. To be clasped in the arms of Jesus is to be held tightly, to be protected in his grasp so that no matter what happens around us we can know that we are safe. We can feel His loving embrace every minute along the way because its already there ! We are connected to it! We only need to look up if we forget. We can look up and see the clasp, we can look up and see the hand of God in our lives every day. Clasped usually means a hand, but Mormon uses the  word “arms’. This depicts in my mind that I am held,not just by His hand, but His entire being is grasping me tightly next to Him. I am the only one who can fit in that embrace because He loves us one by one, one at a time, with all of His heart and soul.


This is the plan of happiness that was formed from the very beginning . I can choose to use the safety equipment already in reach. I can choose to let those God has appointed to help and direct me. I can choose to trust in the atonement and believe that the clasp will hold me. I can choose to look up and out to the beauty all around me. I can choose to be connected to the powers of heaven by putting on the safety harness and never removing it. I can choose to live with Heavenly parents in families, not to be distracted by the philosophies of men, but firmly hanging to the doctrines of CHRIST.


When Jeremy and I finished the course we were so happy we kept kissing and hugging each other because it had been so much fun! We returned the safety equipment and walked around holding hands letting those feelings linger. The prophet Lehi said, “men are that they might have Joy.” In my many years of experiencing this earthly test I know where the source of that joy comes from. I know what true joy feels like. I know these things and I believe them.



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