Month: June 2017



I’ve been thinking about fathers all week and the crucial role they play in a child’s life, so today I’d like to pay tribute to dad’s everywhere by sharing the story of the Dad I know best. His story is different than yours, maybe in some ways its the same, but his example can inspire every man and hopefully […]

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the human heart

Recently After praying in the morning for opportunities to serve Hope specifically and to be an answer to someone else’s prayer, I got to take her to the emergency room! 😉She had been having heart palpitations followed by dizziness and fainting. They took her in and had her hooked up to an IV and machines […]

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trek letters

IMG_2501 IMG_2502  Hope and Wil, along with over 100 other teenagers in this area are out in the wilderness somewhere today dressed like pioneers and pulling handcarts for miles. Hopefully as they re-enact for a moment what so many of our pioneer ancestors actually did and gave their lives for, they will remember what great sacrifices […]

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