Month: September 2015


childhood happiness

Recently I came across a study that impacted me. The study commenced in the 193o s and covered 70 years. The study’s objective was to determine factors of success and happiness. the one area where there was a high indicator of success and happiness later in life was happiness in family life as a child.  […]

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sex, incest and… salt?

For her personal study Hope is reading the old testament. when she came running up the stairs with “mom! I have a question! I just read something really weird about lots daughters”……..yup say no more I knew exactly what story she was referring to.(basically two of Lots daughters are in a cave with their dad and […]

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my own storm tossed sea

Something magical happened last night. In a moment of despair, he rescued me. After putting the kids to bed, I went into Kate’s room to pray in the dark where she lay sleeping. I poured out my feelings to God. I had so much to be grateful for, I began to list them. But somehow I felt […]

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lets ascend together

  “Use your daisy chain.” James called to Carli.  Hanging from the side of a  tall mountain, the girl who is never afraid, was. The rest of us sat below laughing and talking ,unaware of her situation.  Hope was climbing up fast on the mountain side next to her. About halfway up , Hope got scared. Carli called out […]

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a promise

Tonight at dinner kate told Dallin that she had waited for him by the assigned basketball hoop  so he could find her at recess. She waited and waited, even after much prodding by her friends to leave on that hot sumer day and come wait for him in the shade. some friends begged her to come […]

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The best and easiest peach pie!!….you’re welcome.

I am so excited to share with you my beloved blog friends a little treat today! okay so to all three of you..(you know who you are) who may read this….:) here it is… are you ready?! I mean do you have a pen?  Good. I’m about to blow your mind. All you need is […]

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Our family was asked to speak in church on Sunday. We were each given a topic and had a week to prepare. Mine was on prayer. How easy! I have had many prayers answered recently. I pondered over and prayed about my talk all week. I studied a lot. I went to the temple. I […]

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