the one



Dallin has been really struggling with school. He has been diagnosed with several learning disabilities that make school hard for him . This past week I have seen my boy turn into something he is not. He comes home angry and tired . He usually sobs in the back seat all the way home from school. He has told me he hates school at least ten times a day, but now he was saying he hates his life. I cannot reason with him or help him with his homework because he has stopped trying. Last week at the end of my emotional rope and patience I asked Jeremy for a blessing. In that blessing I was blessed with more empathy toward Dallin and was told to treat him with kindness and patience. I was told how very special He is and that he was sent to our family for a purpose. I wept after the blessing as I knelt in prayer and thanked Heavenly father for that tender mercy. The next day while I was jogging, Hope called to tell me Dallin had hurt Kate and was not listening. he was the not himself again. This breaks my heart because I’ve seen the affect on our whole family. He and Wilson have always been best of friends they used to laugh in bed every night before falling asleep. They would be content just being together after school. now, Dallin wasn’t being kind to even his best friend Wil. He was isolating himself in his struggles with his anger and sadness. At the end of the night I lay next to him whispering how very much I love him and all the things I love about him and I believe every word .

Each day this week when I pick up the kids at school a different teacher has told me how bad his behavior has been. “That’s it!!” I thought yesterday, “he is going to get it! I just cant take this anymore!”  I knew exactly what to do. I dropped the other kids off at home. Dallin never got out of the car and looked as if he had fallen asleep. perfect!…It would be a surprise attack. I drove to the predestined spot of retribution,yogurt island. “Dallin, time to wake up.  you and I are going on a special date”. Just then I saw a glimpse of my favorite grin on that boy. He put his arm around me as we walked inside. We talked and laughed as we ate our yummy treat in outside in the warm sun.  I took him to the dollar store and we browsed for a long time. I loved every minute just being with him. We walked around and talked outside then I let him pick out the things at the grocery store  for a dinner he wanted. And you know what? I fell in love with that boy of mine all over again. He was back to himself so charming and sweet. He was funny and articulate, an absolute joy to be around. Those few hours together changed him and me, and it was such a small and simple thing. This morning he didn’t complain about school! he was happy and seemed to have hope again.

Part of this miracle was due to the prayers of my sister Carli. I had discussed my struggles with her and in a text she wrote ” I felt I needed to have a prayer just for Dallin did and I felt sooooo much love! I had a feeling that he might need a day off tomorrow maybe you could just keep him home and snuggle..” I also found out that yesterday she had been praying for me and put my name in the temple. What a blessing she is to me and my family!  As I spent time alone with my son yesterday afternoon I couldn’t help but think of how the Savior always ministered to the one. I have made it a point to spend one on one time with each child because of His example. I know that is how we truly can show love to our children and others. We do it one on one: one at a time. I thought of How Jesus took each nephrite child into His arms and blessed them one by one, and how I as a mother have the opportunity each day to love and bless my children as Jesus would.


One thought on “the one”

  1. Oh! How I need to read your blog more often! I love you and that valiant family of yours! I’m so happy that date with dallin worked! …and that he gets to be with Jeremy right now. ..I prayed that they would have a special bond from this trip and feel soooo good and happy for them! I love you mother Marni!

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