Christams 2014

we spent Christmas eve with G.G. she is the real gift that blesses our lives daily. She used her magic on Dallin while we were there noticing little things he did well and making a point to compliment him on those things. she built his confidence in one day higher than it had been in some time.


setting up the tree while listening to Christmas music and the smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies baking


dad wanted to relive his missionary days when he watched a companion eat a cockroach for a camera. he told these boys he would give them a dollar for eating a least they were bacon flavored! Dallin still has a bad taste in his mouth from it!
Dallin, with the encouragement from Wilson taking the plunge and eating a cricket!
and….after eating that cricket!

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Julie and Hope gave each other similar gifts! they made each other picture books with memories and favorite phrases. they have a friendship that is one of the greatest gifts I have been privileged to witness.

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