Year: 2015


Yea Lord, I believe!

I love this picture. I woke up this morning thinking about it for some reason. So after getting the kids to school I decided to sit down and really study the account in John ch 11. I used to love this story solely for the love and compassion Jesus shows to women that he cared […]

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personal revelation for any time

“Throughout the ages, many have obtained guidance helpful to resolve challenges in their lives by following the example of respected individuals who resolved similar problems. Today, world conditions change so rapidly that such a course of action is often not available to us. Personally, I rejoice in that reality because it creates a condition where […]

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I thought it would be fun to see pictures of Halloween from the past because I’m feeling a little sad that I don’t have toddlers to dress up anymore! trick or treating is way more fun as a parent for some reason! everything about the holidays is more fun through a child’s eyes.       […]

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for my friends (under 25 years old)

Kate really wanted to go to the corn maze, not the one for kids, but the hard one. She ran in with delight and I followed. I let her lead through the twists and turns and dead ends. we laughed and had a great time! She was  in charge and at least in her mind, seemed […]

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me and my Kate

    I had the privilege of chaperoning a first grade field trip to the Loveland living aquarium😜,Which in my expert opinion was the best I have ever seen. We saw seahorses, otters, an anaconda, and some poisonous tree frogs. Did you know those things can kill up to ten men! and they’re about as long […]

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A little piece of heaven on earth

They have something called fall break here in Utah. When I asked HOPE what she would want to do during the break she mentioned how much she missed the beach really wanted to go there. I smiled and we reminisced of things we loved about the ocean and our many treasured memories in California. Hope says she is still a […]

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“mom, do you like me?”

  When Kate first asked “mom, do you like me?” I saw a little smile ,but it honestly surprised me. Instead of choosing to feel hurt by the question or brush it aside, I decided to say “oh yes I like you! a whole lot!” Than I pulled out her  hand and held her close while I […]

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the pioneer woman’s knife

Last week I bought a knife at Wal-Mart from Ree Drummonds’ (the pioneer woman) new line, and let me just say its amazing! I’ve never had a knife that cuts so clean and so easy! Jeremy and I played with it on lemons and hard bread. We were like a couple of kids on Christmas […]

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awake and arise women!

President Russell M. Nelson and I go way back. He actually spoke to me when I was 21 and since then, I’m pretty much like an eleventh daughter. okay he probably doesn’t remember that pivotal moment when he walked right up to me in front of thousands of missionaries in the mtc and thanked me for being there. But, […]

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How general conference saved my life

  In middle school I remember coming home and crying saying over and over” I want to go home!” my mom lovingly said, ‘but you are home”. I meant I wanted to die and go back to live with God in heaven. First, you should know that no one, absolutely not a soul, would have guessed […]

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