

A Lady in Laguna

The kids, J.t. and I enjoyed a  wonderful afternoon in Laguna after an unanticipated long 2 and a half hour drive to get there. As we we re walking back to the car Dallin decided to let me have it. I was such a mean mom, he said relentlessly. why? Because I didn’t let him play video […]

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a story of a princess and prayer

Once upon a time… There was a beautiful princess named Kate. She loved adventures, especially with her brothers in a nearby meadow. During one of these adventures with her mother the queen, Princess Kate c aught a beautiful yellow butterfly as she lay in a bed of purple wildflowers just long enough to say hello. […]

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personal revelation:part 1

Jeremy and I have applied to several out of state colleges as we feel it imperative thast we finish his education to attain a better future and become provident providers for our family. I have discussed these decesions with Hope . The decision notification from one university was taking sooo long and it was hard for Hope […]

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personal revelation

I don’t know why the past couple years Jeremy’s and mine answers to prayer s have come in a very small and quiet way, almost as if we are not getting an answer at all.  Yet, we know that God is answering and guiding us even through the seeming fog where it seems there is  no illumination. […]

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my man of steel

  Sometimes we are allowed glimpses into things of eternity through rather difficult challenges in mortality. I saw a glimpse of heaven and what it means to have a celestial marriage this week. I was having a particular hard time with a certain child who needed to be disciplined. After the punishment was issued this child […]

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Hope…(not the girl)

  After we were married Jeremy s first job was in Venice beach, CA. just walking distance from the ocean. I would meet him for lunch sometimes and we’d walk down to the sand and enjoy his hour together. One day I met him after work so we could go for a swim together. After […]

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  The day I was set apart as a full time missionary was up until that time one of the highlights of my life. During a sacred blessing the stake presidency and my dad set me apart and made prophetic promises that sent my soul soaring with faith in what would be. I was promised […]

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A sunday stroll

    I have a beautiful place just 5 minutes away where I love to jog sometimes. I wanted to show it to my family so Sunday after church we took a walk on the dirt road where the views are amazing! I showed them this home that I’ve always liked and thought if I […]

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14 reasons I love Hope

For Hope on her 14th birthday…. 1. I love how you are thoughtful and kind. Tonight at dinner Kate said one of the things she loves most about you is that you’re always thinking of others more than yourself. she is right.   2. you are the best big sister and example to all your […]

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the beach

A beautiful mother  stood off in the distance, I saw her as I sat near the kids while they built sand castles. she was watching her daughter who was learning to surf and her dad was todays teacher .It was  tender and sweet to see a stranger yet fellow sister who was in that moment and always […]

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