my man of steel


Sometimes we are allowed glimpses into things of eternity through rather difficult challenges in mortality. I saw a glimpse of heaven and what it means to have a celestial marriage this week. I was having a particular hard time with a certain child who needed to be disciplined. After the punishment was issued this child went into a rage of anger. I remained calm and tried to teach effectively but I was at a loss of what else I could do to get this situation under control. I was at the end of my emotional rope and so I called for re- enforcement.  Jeremy  told me to bring that child to his office and I did. we pulled up into the parking lot and Jeremy came down the stairs to the car. In a most powerful display of what a man really is and what a father should be, he handled a very difficult situation. He spoke with such power and words that demanded the respect from all of us in the car that day.  Hope was sitting in the front seat next to me and wrote on a note “you have a really good husband!” He is the perfect combination of velvet and steel. He concluded with something that had such personal impact and implications that I shall never forget. “That is my wife” he said pointing to me, ” you were verbally abusing her and I will not tolerate that”. I started to cry as he continued to defend and honor me .Our child started to cry too, and their heart was softened. Afterward, we all hugged and I fell in love with my husband all over again.

This sweet child and I are back to our cuddling and loving relationship and the specifics of the situation will be forgotten. But the example our children saw that day of their father  is forever etched onto their souls . Of that I am certain. They saw and felt what it means to truly love and respect a woman. There they saw and felt what a priesthood holder ,a man who is worthy and filled with that priesthood looks like. It looks like this….:) and I like him a lot!


oh wait ! maybe more it looks more like this…!:)

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and since its my blog… and I can, it sometimes even looks like this!(oh yeah)

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but always it is the love of our Heavenly Father manifested through their words and deeds….

351 Jeremy & Dallin at Dallin's train birthday

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