the human heart

Recently After praying in the morning for opportunities to serve Hope specifically and to be an answer to someone else’s prayer, I got to take her to the emergency room! 😉She had been having heart palpitations followed by dizziness and fainting. They took her in and had her hooked up to an IV and machines immediately after she fully explained her symptoms. As we watched the ultrasound of her heart we were both in awe at how incredible a thing and yet, so fragile our heart is! How precious life is and how amazing and complex our bodies are. She went home later that day with a heart monitor to wear. Throughout all of this I felt only peace. I knew that everything would be OK, and it was. During this time of uncertainty I had a very specific prompting to text a friend I hadn’t talked to in awhile. I found out her husband had cancer. My heart broke for them. I felt so much love for them and knew God was aware of their situation and surrounding them with angels. Hope and I made dinner and brought it to a friend who just had a tumor removed from his brain. After we left him and his sweet wife Hope said, “mom I didn’t want to leave there is such a good feeling there. I could feel how much they love each other! ” All night she kept saying how much she loved them. I’ve learned that whenever we may going through a trial the best medicine is to serve someone, somehow, in some small way. This can cure the wounded or frightened heart. I don’t have much to give, and wish I was better, but I do feel Gods love more than at any other time when I’m loving others. God could do it all himself, but it moves me deeply that he allows someone like me to help Him.


I’m so grateful for and want to save forever the kind things people say, it really means so much to me!

You guys are awesome! Glad hope is ok. Did they find out why that was happening?


Such a neat experience and I hope everything is okay with Hope! You are such a great example of listening to promptings and acting on them!


I hope Hope is feeling better! We will keep her in our prayers


Thank you! I appreciate it. The doctors said today all test came back positive! So I don’t know what caused it but her heart looks better than normal our dr. said


Becky Higham Beckstead Oh Marni, you are just so sweet! Thank you thank you for your love and support–and for dinner! It was delicious!! We will be praying for you and for Hope; I was so grateful for the hug she gave me before you left. You and your family are great examples to us

  1.  becky
    Wendy Rollins Johnson Thank u so much for sharing your personal experiences and promptings Marni. I love u… u are truly a treasure🌷
    Catryna Day-Faux I always love reading your posts. They are so personal and give a glimpse into your personal spiritual journey of becoming more Christ like.
    Ed Torriente As always, your posts continue to inspire and motive me. So glad your sweet daughter is ok. Please give Hope a big hug for us. Love you soooo much! ❤️❤️❤️🌷🌺❤️

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