
I’ve been thinking about fathers all week and the crucial role they play in a child’s life, so today I’d like to pay tribute to dad’s everywhere by sharing the story of the Dad I know best. His story is different than yours, maybe in some ways its the same, but his example can inspire every man and hopefully every child’s heart with gratitude for their Dad. Raised with his younger brother by a single mother there were times when he would be the man of the house at a very young age. He speaks with fondness of his childhood and the pranks he and his brother would play on each other. His mother had a good and believing heart. She heard of the gospel of Jesus Christ and was taught by Mormon missionaries. Her decision to let them in  changed my life. As an older teenager dad chose to be baptized. After  being a member of the church a short time he chose to serve a full-time mission. He was called to serve in the Midwestern states for two years, the same area I would serve almost 3 decades later. The day he returned  Home he met my mother in a church building where he was released as a missionary. Coincidence?? mmm ,no! Again he did what he had not been done before in  the history of his family, he married my mom in the temple. Without any family or fanfare, he entered that sacred place and made covenants with God so we could be a forever family. I like to think my sisters and I were there that day. He worked two or more jobs so my mom could be home with us. I listened at night to dad playing his guitar while singing as I lay in bed fighting the to keep my eyes open so I could hear him a little longer.I went to every basketball or baseball game to cheer him on. Once he had to tell me to cheer for him more quietly.:) He took me on a daddy daughter dates, had weekly family home evening and daily family prayer. We went camping  in the summer, and went to church every Sunday. I remember waking up most Saturdays in Oceanside to see my dad come through the door with a big smile and a pink box of donuts in his hand for us. He had already been up for hours helping someone move, or doing some other service. He’s been the benefactor of anonymous gifts to those in need I only knew about later in life from those he helped. After working with my dad  for many years my husband was assigned to speak on charity. In that talk he said with conviction, “my father-in-law is the most charitable person I’ve ever known.” My dad was there in the temple when I got married, he wrote a song that he sang to me that night. He has given me counsel that has saved me over and over again. Dad is a humble man and would never want recognition, he gets uncomfortable when I complement him. But, I will spend eternity proclaiming his goodness and my gratitude for the sacrifices he made for me. I’ll end with this example that is a type of parable for what it means To be a father.  I had the privilege of serving a mission, one my parents paid for. When I opened that big white envelope I lived in Utah. I was alone in my apartment with dad on the phone and mom near him. I think he could tell  a tinge of disappoint in my voice when I read out loud where I would be serving. Without hesitation he  brought perspective and hope when he said, “hey, they have a really great football team!” I smiled and knew it was where I was supposed to be. I went with high hopes and a lot of enthusiasm, some said I brought all the California sunshine to the dark, icy planes of Nebraska. I had been serving for months with no success, knocking on doors in 30 below weather, singing on doorsteps, getting rocks thrown at us, and loving people In their worst trials.  It had been an  especially hard day because something I hoped and desperately prayed for didn’t happen. My companion and I walked home in silence that night as tears streamed down my cheeks. When we arrived at our apartment we checked the mail, there was a letter for me. It was from dad. In that letter he quoted words  Mormon wrote to his son Moroni thousands of years ago.  “I am mindful of you always… continually praying unto the father in the name  of Jesus, that he will keep you continually to the end.” He said Sister Hill and I were angels. He wrote how proud he was of me and how much he loved me. He told me to work hard and that I could do hard things. I carried that letter with me for months. I could feel his love through that worn out piece of paper. I think our dad is to be a type of our Father in heaven. Our earthly father is to help us remember our Heavenly Father and feel his love. We chose to leave his presence in the heavens for a short time, but he’s always mindful of us. He sends us letters with the help we need through personal revelation. He isn’t gone working on some other hobby or project, we are his greatest work. I try to live in a way so that your greatest work ,dad, will be one that brings you insurmountable Joy. You gave me the happiest life you could provide and it came at great sacrifice. You gave me things you never had.  You gave me all I would need to return to my Heavenly father with honor. The day I got off the plane from serving in Nebraska you were there. I don’t remember you saying anything, but after you hugged me I looked into your eyes and there was a feeling deep inside me that I knew I had returned a better person, I knew for myself who I was and who I could be. I didn’t need you to say it, I knew how much you loved me. I don’t think there will be many words spoken when we see God again and stand before him. There will be a feeling and the sure knowledge of who we have become and how much he loves us and has sacrificed for us. God decided to tell me at a young age that you and Mom would inherit the celestial kingdom. I think he wanted me to know so I could follow your examples.  What you have taught from the way you live is that service brings happiness, that we are never here to judge but to love. To always think of others more than ourselves. And to love unconditionally, that’s what you gave my sisters and me, unconditional love. Thank you dad, happy Father’s Day.







Once Upon A Time




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