a promise

Tonight at dinner kate told Dallin that she had waited for him by the assigned basketball hoop  so he could find her at recess. She waited and waited, even after much prodding by her friends to leave on that hot sumer day and come wait for him in the shade. some friends begged her to come and play a game with them, but she refused to leave. she waited alone and did not budge until the bell rang for class. ..( turns out they don’t have recess at the same time!😢 ) I wish you could’ve seen the look on Dallins face when he internalized what it is to have a fiercely loyal little sister. What stood out to me about her story was that Kate was fixed and determined to be there for her brother. It didn’t matter that her friends were off having fun and begging her to join them. “I wanted to keep my promise to you ” she said looking across the table at Dallin.


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I thought of the sacred covenants I have made with my older brother and how much I want to keep them, even when it gets hot and would be more comfortable to move into the shade. Even when it seems weird to those around me and even if I have to stand alone. The truth is what may matter most in life is did we love our older brother Jesus enough to keep our promises to him? I’ve always loved the words of Elder Holland “the crowning characteristic of love is always loyalty.” I will try to be as loyal to my big brother as Kate is to hers. I will keep my promises ,no matter how long I have to wait, or stand alone. during a time when many abandoned Jesus he asked the twelve  Jesus asked His twelve disciples:

“Will ye also go away?

“Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.”

There are times when we have to answer the same question. Will we also go away? Or will we, like Kate demonstrate what it means to be the kind of brother or sister who keeps their promises.


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