for my friends (under 25 years old)


Kate really wanted to go to the corn maze, not the one for kids, but the hard one. She ran in with delight and I followed. I let her lead through the twists and turns and dead ends. we laughed and had a great time! She was  in charge and at least in her mind, seemed to know the right way to go. After some time  we moved slower through the maze as it seemed to get harder. She looked at me with fear in her eyes and said ” I don’t know if we will ever make it out of here… mom, I want to be done.”  It was getting dark and rain clouds were approaching fast. We couldn’t hear any other voices from fellow maze goers . It looked as if we were alone.


It’s OK ” I told her with a smile “I’ll find a way out of here.” I started running in a different direction and this time she followed me. I guess from all of my corn maze experience I was able to get us out of there quickly and with ease. I could see the correct path to take at each of the crossroads. We made it out alive! phew! we were both so happy we hugged each other and shouted for joy!


We only get one chance at this crazy good life, but some of us have been in it longer and so we can see the way more clearly. It just comes with experience, because the longer you live the more you go through the maze, and hopefully get better at it.  I know we want to do things on their own. I am as much an advocate for the freedom to choose on earth as I was during the war in heaven. This doesn’t diminish your freedom. Taking a trusted guide with you on your journey, who is older, is just  good decision-making on your part. There will be times when darkening clouds appear and you feel scared and alone. Knowing you can turn around, and find someone you trust  who was always right there behind you, is a key to succeeding in this life. You are living through the most critical time in your life! President Monson has said over and over the decisions you make now will determine your destiny. I love you! I woke up this morning thinking of you. I read the words of a hero of mine named Nephi. He said he was left to mourn because of the ignorance and unbelief of his people. He said they would not search knowledge nor understand it ,even when it was given unto them in great plainness. Then he spoke these tender and heartfelt words…”for I pray continually for them by day and mine eyes water my pillow by night because of them: I cry unto my God in faith, and I know that He will hear my cry.” (2nephi 33)

Let me speak ( or write I should say) plainly…:)

You will not, cannot, make it out of this life safely on your own. You absolutely will not. You will need the help of your parents and trusted advisors. Elder Hales just said “Prayerfully select mentors who have your spiritual well-being at heart. Be careful about taking advice from your peers. If you want more than you now have, reach up, not across!

If you haven’t done this, do it now. Pray about a mentor who would have your best interest at heart. Than cultivate a relationship with Him or her, or at least let them know. I mean who isn’t going to be honored by that request?! God has put specific people on your path to help you. Find them.

In the end the only way any of us, young or old, reaches our heavenly home is with the help of our Savior. I f you don’t personally know Him , you must stop whatever you’re doing and put Him first in your life. The Lord will always keep His promise: “I will lead you along.” The only question is, will we let ourselves be led? ”

I know from many times of darkness, confusion and struggle that he will lead us along. He is always there if we turn to him and put our trust in Him.

He is my light, and so I do not fear or face uncertainty. I know where I am headed and I know the way there. I know what it will look like when I have finished.







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