
imageimage Four months ago Jeremy lost his phone at the trampoline park where we celebrated his birthday last week they found it! I decided that I would let Wilson and Dallin have a date together when I went to pick it up I dropped them off and took HOPE to target.  I knew the boys needed some time to strengthen their pond as brothers. Hope and I watch them for a while and then when we got in the car Wilson said that was one of the best days of my life!   5% of the reason was because hardly anyone is there a 95% was because it was with Dylan. I’ve never witnessed for myself the kind of   Relationship Wilson and Dallin have, it’s what I imagine Hyram and Joseph to be, or Nephi and Sam. I love it when I overhear them laughing and talking as they lay in bed before they fall sleep each night.   imageI love that will Dallin makes will laugh every day and that because of Wilson they have never had a fight.  Wilson asked if he could go on a bike ride is down to seven spot. I watch them right off yesterday and thought my heart would burst with gratitude for the brotherly love they have for one another and that Wilson would want to spend his time with his little brother even now as a teenager he still considers sends his best friend. I wish I could’ve picked in the window and seeing those two drinking there sodas are eating at fries together. They actually had to leave because there were girls who were picking up on them begging them to be their boyfriends.   image image


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