17 years baby!

I wanted to do something extra special for Jeremy’s anniversary gift. I set out to make him a video. me , the least multi media savvy person I know. I watched a few youtube videos and worked for hours to find pictures and the perfect song. well, I unfortunately downloaded a bunch of harmful stuff to our computer!!!! ahhh! and my surprise would have to wait I needed my husband the computer wizard to fix it! He did, which took him an hour and in t he process I lost my movie I made him! tonight I decided to try again, it went much quicker with my new found knowledge and the reaction from Jeremy was definitely worth it! I love him so much! he gave me the gift of his time today which was the best gift ever!

Marriage is the most rewarding kind of journey and I’m sure glad I picked the most incredible man I’ve ever know to travel with.

Watching this helps us realize how beautiful our life really is.

My Movie 17



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