The first day of 2016


I’ve been thinking about how quickly we forget those moments that matter. As humans were wired that way to help in a tragedy , but we tend to forget the small and simple things that light our way home each day. I love what president uchtorf said in his talk of regrets and resolutions

“Our Heavenly Father sees our real potential. He knows things about us that we do not know ourselves. He prompts us during our lifetime to fulfill the measure of our creation, to live a good life, and to return to His presence.

Why, then, do we devote so much of our time and energy to things that are so fleeting, so inconsequential, and so superficial? Do we refuse to see the folly in the pursuit of the trivial and transient?

Would it not be wiser for us to “lay up for [ourselves] treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal”?5

How do we do this? By following the example of the Savior, by incorporating His teachings in our daily lives, by truly loving God and our fellowman.”

 I’ve been pondering and praying over what goals I could set for this new year to bring me closer to that ultimate goal of eternal life and exaltation.

One thing that has been whispered to my heart over and over is the need for daily gratitude,to live in thanksgiving daily. I’ve pondered this scripture and its meaning “And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments.” The part about “those who confess not His hand in all things” has always stood out to me. I for one do not want the wrath of an all powerful being upon me, so I’m going to become better at this in hopes to please that God whom I am privileged to address as “Father”.

My goal will be to record how I’ve seen His hand in my life each day for one month. I am so excited! It is a small thing ,but I hope in doing so I can prove to My father in Heaven how very much I love Him, and how I know without my Heavenly parents , I am nothing.


Today and everyday I will work to see what is so clearly right in front of me.


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