16 years baby!

As we were getting ready to go on the anniversary date I planned Dallin proclaimed with some cheekiness – “it would be more romantic for you guys if you went by yourself “. “How selfless of you” I replied. (knowing this was most definitely to get him out of having to be at a museum all day) but that boy was perfectly right. It ended up being according to Jeremy, the best anniversary day ever. I started to count how many times I heard him say “I love this !”He was so happy. and that made me happy. We sat on two white stones in the Japenese garden and I closed my eyes.I could hear the river flowing and felt my heart fall deeper in love. We laughed as I skipped through the jungle, the only time I let go of his hand. True love requires action. we can talk about it or listen to songs about it but until we manifest that love in our actions our words mean nothing. The last 16 years of marriage have taught me that it requires forgiveness and letting go of pride. that It requires me to seek my spouses happiness and do unto him as I would hope he would do for me.
At the end of the day I couldnt contain the tears as I talked with my Father in Heaven. I thanked Him for those covenants we made 16 years ago and for the divine intervention on our behalf thats rescued on occasion, and strengthened our marriage. It is something with Gods help, that we have earned through the furnace of sorrow,through struggle ,happiness and joy. It is worth fighting for . It is true love, the kind that if we keep trying, will make it so we wont have to be alone throughout eternity.

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