the decision

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Dear Hayden,Carson,and Logan

Remember last august and  the great times we had while visiting you guys? After that trip I came home and soon felt that we should move there . I felt the distinct impression that we were to sell our home here in California so uncle Jeremy could go back to school in Utah . As the months passed in my anxiousness I forgot my revelation. I began to look for other ways to accomplish the thing we were to do and other places to live. For all the time you have lived there I have heard you beg us to come live by you. I thought after a few years you would give up on the idea, or at least not want it as bad as your life progressed there. Yet your heartfelt prayers continued to ascend to heaven for such a dream to become a reality. Many times I felt it would never come to be. A few days ago we reached a crossroads in our path. we knew it was right that we go bck to school but where? Here in California? byu in Idaho? or uvu in Utah? We went fasting to the temple knowing that inside those hallowed walls we would receive an answer . on the way down to San Diego we discussed each option and they all sounded good! Even right! By the end of the car ride I said in exasperation” I just don’t know! im confused!!” ” Me too. ” Jeremy said. we walked  inside meekly and low in spirits, still with a  glimmer of hope that soon the revelation would come. and it did! On the couch in the celestial room as the rays from the sun at noon day shined upon us, Jeremy asked what my thoughts were.” you tell me first” I replied..” no you tell m”e he said. “Why didn’t you have any?” I asked.” yes I had some thoughts. but I don’t want to sway yours.”.. “But I am to listen to the counsel of my husband!” I protested.” you tell me what to do”! “you are my help meet.” he said gently and with a smile. I felt chastised a little by the Lord, like…” why are you arguing with your husband in my house of all places!”:)  I said a prayer in my heart, took a deep breath and dove into what I was afraid may be a different pool than he had thought of….” Utah,  all I could think of was Utah”. I looked up into his  blue eyes that seemed to smile,” me too”. he replied. we hugged and I almost jumped up and shouted hallelujah at the top of my lungs!( luckily an unseen angel nearby constrained me from doing so) .Instead, we bowed in humble prayer thanking God for the answer. I wrapped my arms around Jeremy. I held him so tight and the relief of waiting and feeling unsure washed over my body. All I could say over and over again was thank you Heavenly father ,thank you.


And so my awesome nephews and niece that I love so dearly, thank you for your prayers and fasting on our behalf. Thank you for never giving up on us. Thank you for your love and friendship. Never forget the God does hear and answer every prayer, we need to trust in Him and His timing. If he has a plan for your old aunt and uncle he certainly has big plans for each of you and he will reveal the path you should goas you move forward keeping His commandments. .Here’s to many  more memories and battles fought together on the mountains and fields of Payson.




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