happy campers

Its fun to find hidden treasures in your backyard! when a friend invited us to join them camping we were so excited!  the place where we camped was only 10 miles away and the campsite was our favorite so far. we had all the good food that comes with camping.,which of course’, was Wilsons highlight. I appreciated Jeremy’s many quiet acts of service in making sure we were safe and warm at night. we told progressive stories around the campfire and laughed until it was time for bed.in the morning Kate’s first words were “mom I said a prayer that I wouldn’t be scared and wake you up in the night and I wasn’t scared! “Jeremy cooked the bacon and eggs and then we went on a beautiful hike where many life lessons were gained.one of my favorite moments on the hike was while holding my hand Jeremy  said “I’m like a sour patch kid, kind of sour at first then sweet. yeah I replied and sour patch kids are the favorite candy among children.” He is my favorite and his sour moments are rare and hardly noticeable.

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