my beginnings

Scan320141109_155042Once Upon A Time

I think to understand anyone better, including ourselves it helps to know where we came from. I was unintentionally reminded today by a friend of how blessed I was to be raised by my parents. I told of an experience  I had after high school. at the request of my boyfriend, I attended my church meetings and then went to a different church. my parents supported me in my quest to find my own testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They trusted me. they had taught me correct principles and believed in me enough to let me govern myself. they raised all four of us this way. independent, individual responsibility was created in a most nurturing atmosphere. My parents are not perfect, they never claimed to be. they tried their very best with what they had. and yet I feel today again that they were and are perfectly suited and chosen to be me and my sisters parents. A loving God who knows and comprehends all things and who did not send us here to fail carefully chose Dennis and Lori Wilson to be my mom and dad. I feel gratitude beyond measure to a loving Father in Heaven who sent me to them. from my dads example I learned charity and compassion. He is a humble man who serves in secret. He, who was given so very little in comparison with what I had, gave all and was magnified beyond his own capacity as a husband and a father. From my mothers example  I learned the joy and art of mothering! when we were young she made us her priority and it was never a burden but her greatest blessing. My parents were raised by single mothers ,both of whom heard the gospel and with faith believed it was true. they are true pioneers, two of my hero’s. my dad is the only one in his family who stayed true to his baptismal covenant and has served in the church his entire adult life. He has taught me what courage means and how to stand alone. My mom has had much adversity, and yet she has shown quiet confidence in her complete reliance on her brother Jesus the Christ. as I continue to look to their example, I will honor them best by living true to that foundation they helped me build so long ago. a foundation that will not let me fall.

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