“get my brother!”

Though you’d never know it, Hope faces health issues that are beyond her control leaving her feeling what she refers to as having a glitch, or being weak.  In the past few years hope has had seizures and passes out , what appear at times to begin with a severe panic attack. The doctors once thought it had to do with her heart when she was taken to the E.R after having a seizure and falling out of her chair in English class. She was put on a heart monitor for a week and found nothing irregular.  She has received a priesthood blessing that told her these attacks would not be taken away, but she would be better able to handle them. These trials are what is shaping her to better help others and to come closer to her Savior. Last night at the homecoming dance she felt one coming on, she told some friends who took her outside. As it worsened rapidly, she asked ” go get Wilson, please get my brother”

He was found dancing on his very first date; he went to Hopes side and was able to help her through it. By the time her dad and I got there, a  large group had gathered in the parking lot, through the crowd came Hope being held up by Wilson. She was awake and talking. She said with a smile,” I didn’t pass out this time!” Her positivity even in adversity left me in awe. The saddest part is that Hope feels less, she feels weak, flawed because she can’t stop them and it’s embarrassing. As I think about her calling out for her brother and how he was holding her up through it, I think of our brother Jesus Christ. Even though he may not take  away our trial he strengthens us to get through it, He stands by us. We are all uniquely flawed and broken and isn’t that wonderful?! Those are the things that turn us to Him, our Savior ,who paid the price for us to be whole. We are all dependent on Him. We need His grace. We can call out to him and He will be there, even when we don’t call out for him, He is there. He loved us enough to already have suffered for whatever glitch we may have.” It is finished”, he said. The pain or struggles we will face have already been taken care of and made right, the healing balm is already available. Hope is one of the strongest women I have ever known. She knows who to turn to, not only her little brother but her older brother…her Savior and closest friend. She continually serves and lifts those around her despite the unseen battles she fights. In her patriarchal blessing God tells her she will suffer so that she can help those who are now in darkness, she will rescue them and bring them to the light. Every trial we go through is not wasted but was created specifically for us to change us into the person we are to be, so that in the end of our life we too may say, “It is finished, I have done the work thou sent me here to do.”


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