general womens meeting



I didn’t have tickets to the general women’s meeting tonight.I have never attended and felt it would be a great experience even if we were sent away to watch it in the tabernacle. While walking I noticed 2 girls and felt to ask if I could take their picture for them in front of the temple. They accepted and thanked me. As I was taking the picture I felt to randomly tell them I didn’t have tickets for tonight . One of them replied , “this is your lucky day! I have extra tickets and I’ll give them to you!!” I was so excited and told everyone how much Heavenly Father must love me!


As we made our way into the building the meeting had started. The minute I sat down I could feel a sweet, peaceful feeling enveloping me. I had come with specific questions and needs. Every talk I heard what I needed to hear . I have taken a break from social media and really any social interaction for awhile because of some heavy burdens I was carrying. I have been through my own gethsemane recently, I’ve come to know pain and anguish to where I thought my heart would break into pieces. I have turned to the Lord and trusted in His enabling power to strengthen and uphold me. During this tender time I have come to see my frailties and yearn to be better… less prideful and selfish, more grateful and humble. I was sitting in conference and in my heart repented. I prayed for forgiveness. I was praying in my heart to know how God sees me when Kate said “your phone vibrated”. It was a text from a friend I have known for years in temecula . Her message began , “you are the Glad sister president Uchtdorf is talking about! You are happy in any circumstance!” With tears streaming down my face I closed my eyes and thanked Heavenly Father. It is rare to have an immediate answer in such a profound way. I can think of only a few times when it has happened in my life. This angelic friend, acting on inspiration, gave me a message from my Heavenly Parents, one I needed to hear. I can and will continue to find strength and courage to joyfully thrive as a daughter of God! I am the only one who has power to choose my destiny and the person I want to become.


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