IMG_2551 IMG_2552 IMG_2559 During a recent trial I literally felt my heart breaking in two because of something that happened to one of our  children. I was counseled twice in a priesthood blessing to stay close to my husband. Stay close to Jeremy. That counsel sunk deep into my heart  and sure enough the tidal wave came to tear us apart. It was a struggle, I had to fight. And today I love him more than ever.  It seems that temple marriage must be something very precious , maybe the greatest of all the gifts of this life because the adversary works so hard to destroy it. And it’s amazing to me how Easy it is to have our hearts, that were once so in love, become bitter and full of anger toward the other. I refuse to give in and let the adversary influence my heart. He willl have no control over me because I choose if he does or not. I love you Jeremy, my love for you knows no bounds and will last for eternity. You and I are different,  and those differences serve us well. I love you because you push me to be better, you have changed me for the better without trying or wanting to. You have thought I was cutest even in my most crazy moments. Together we have overcome the toughest storms and together we are one.

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