

A couple weeks ago I got a text from an unknown number that said “can I ask your daughter to prom?” He then proceeded to ask if we had plans that night because he had a plan on how to ask her. It was hard to keep a straight face and a secret from Hope but I did, and a few hours later there was a friend at the door holding A rose with a clue. Hope had no idea what was going on, she was adorable. After they left Logan,( the young man who had asked her)who came to our house with a friend and decorated Hopes room with 32 balloons, a dozen roses and candy. on her bed was a poster that read… “at the end of the day I wouldn’t want to be on my own…will you go to prom with me” (obviously he knows of her passion for Les Miserables 😉 ) After finding clues attached to beautiful orange roses all around town, Hope walked into her room and the excitement was gushing out of her! her giddiness was contagious! With her brothers ,sister and me sharing in the magical memory, we watched as Hope popped balloons which contained the letters of the young man’s name who was asking her. When she found out who it was she was screaming with glee and we were all laughing. Back in my day, this sort of asking to prom wasnt done. But I can’t imagine it being more exciting or wonderful then it was experiencing this as Hopes mom.





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