Get up Marni

This morning I was emotionally drained and physically tired at 9 AM. I laid down in bed after I took Kate and Dallin to school and then I did something really dumb. I started scrolling through Instagram on a particular account and  became more depressed with each post I read. I compared myself and my situation. “What am I doing? Just stop!” I’m actually happy for this person! My life is different,not worse or better”, I said out loud. So I did stop and  I prayed instead. I went to the source of power that can actually help me. Then I got up, put on my running clothes, and headed out the door. I began to pray and expressed gratitude for the many good things that did happen this morning. Wilson shared a scripture he liked with me and we discussed it. Dallin got himself a on his own without complaint and early!  He even finished up his science project on his own. I began to feel the weight of my world lighten. I prayed for the enabling power of Christ’s atonement to strengthen me. Almost immediately my burden was lifted. My circumstances have not changed, but I felt power from on high. I felt the sunshine on my face and in my soul again. By the time I got home over an hour later, I was ready to do the Lords work , the great work of motherhood that I am privileged to be a part of .

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