kates baptism


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shes an angel! and it was a heavenly day! The love and support that came on Kate’s special day was tangible and caused my heart to burst with gratitude. My parents and sisters family drove from California to be here. Kayli and Alex drove 12 hours through the night to get here in time. My cousin and his wife who are from Ohio had planned a surprise I will never forget They snuck in the back a little bit after the baptism started. I noticed them and walked to the back quietly. With tears of joy I hugged them both tight and said “thank you.” It seemed the whole Day was full of miracles and surprises as evidence of God’s love. My ❀is full.

Image may contain: 22 people, people smiling, people standing, suit and indoor
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, closeup and indoor
My ❀is full. #katesbaptismday
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We had a little family meeting because I wanted to make sure Kate was ready for this big day that's coming up,one that will only happen once in her lifetime. Kate set a goal to read the book of Mormon every day so she would finish by her baptism. She came running to me one morning A couple months ago and said "mom! I did it! I finished my goal." I hugged her tight and told her how proud I was. We talked about how she felt and some of her favorite stories. I think that at seven years old if you can do that, you're ready to make promises with God. I asked everyone in our family earlier in the day to be ready to share their own experience at their baptism. That night we sat around the table each sharing our testimonies while Kate listened intently. She especially liked when Jeremy shared that he felt so good after being baptized he didn't want to get out of the font,so he started swimming around in there for a little bit! I told her that she would now become a new person, like a caterpillar who turns into a butterfly she would soar and be born again.Kate is ready. She knows that no one is perfect and she will continue to make mistakes, but each week as she goes to church she can feel like she did on her baptism day...pure and clean as the white falling snow.

I was taking Kates baptism pictures out in the snow today and she said , "you should put one of these on Instagram! "πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œI asked what I should say about it. "Just tell them I'm getting baptized. "πŸ˜‰β€

While Jeremy stood in the font with our youngest child, the last to be baptized , he couldn't speak. As He was overcome with the spirit and having a sacred moment, I thought he forgot words and whispered at him "her name was Kate". he looked at me laughed and said "I know." So while I killed the moment for him, Kate was having a moment of her own. she told me she felt like God was standing right beside her, like he was there with her. After getting dressed and coming back into the room Jeremy just held me. I apologized and he didn't mind at all. He just said "I love you ". We stood there holding each other for awhile as we embraced the moment when eternity rejoiced and time stood still as we crossed another milestone in our family.

While Jeremy stood in the font with our youngest child, the last to be baptized , he couldn’t speak. As He was overcome with the spirit and having a sacred moment, I thought he forgot words and whispered at him “her name was Kate”. he looked at me laughed and said “I know.” So while I killed the moment for him, Kate was having a moment of her own. she told me she felt like God was standing right beside her, like he was there with her. After getting dressed and coming back into the room Jeremy just held me. I apologized and he didn’t mind at all. He just said “I love you “. We stood there holding each other for awhile as we embraced the moment when eternity rejoiced and time stood still as we crossed another milestone in our family.






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