brooke taylor, thank you!


Every day I pray to be an instrument in Gods hands for good. I don’t know if or when I’ve been an answer to someone else’s prayer, but yesterday I saw how someone was an answer to mine. Discouragement and depression began to creep in a few days ago. I was scared. I prayed. I kept feeling like crying. I did cry. I prayed more. I worked and tried to keep myself busy. In the midst of these feelings I received a text from a friend. She’s 20 years younger, and yet her spiritual capacity is beyond her years. She said heartfelt words the buoyed my spirit and gave me strength to endure. As we continued to text I felt my burden lifted. I came to know she was struggling at the very same time with the same feelings, during her own pain she prayed to know who she could help. My name came to her mind. I can’t tell you what it means to know that God knows my name and he sent a friend to deliver me a message. He knows her name, and used her as his hands to help me. It is something beyond description to know our prayers are heard and we are never alone. To this Angel who obeyed and followed a prompting I will be forever grateful.❤️

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