laugh at it…someday

Both my girls had embarrassing moments in school yesterday. As I listened, and tried not to laugh because it was super funny.. I told them some of my embarrassing stories, like when I was Kates age in second grade I really loved playing wall ball with the boys during lunch. I ran out of the bathroom Fast down to the wall ball court. The noon duty aid called my name on a bull horn trying to catch me before I made it to the other kids.I turned around so that all the boys could see my flowered granny underwear that my skirt was tucked into. Everyone laughed! it seemed like the entire school knew what kind of underwear I was wearing that day.! When I was Hopes age I went to watch a wrestling match at the high school. I was friends with the guys on the team, but there was one I was crushing on big time. After the game it was me and the wrestling team walking out of the gym. I thought it would be super attractive if I slid down the railing of a flight of stairs.Seconds later I saw a sky full of stars as I fell backward hitting my head on the concrete and passing out! I jumped up and said “I’m okay!” (Luckily this time I wasn’t in a skirt!) 😉😂….I’ve heard you can get through anything if you can laugh at it, and a wise man told me time heals everything. So if you can’t laugh at it now, give it time. 😊I’ve got lots more stories like these that I can’t stop laughing at when trying to tell them.

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