The audition


Around age 4 while at the Los Angeles airport a big-time director turned to my mom handed her his card and said “you really should get your daughter into acting”. So she did. Almost 40 years later I’m taking up that hobby once again. I signed up with a local talent agency and auditioned for a part.  Unexpectedly, I got a call back! I was so excited! I was jumping up-and-down and giving everyone in my family high-fives. The day of the audition came and as I sat in the office waiting for my turn  I thought I would throw up! I actually had to restrain myself from running away!  I went in and was taken back by the request, instead of the lines I had memorized  they asked me to put the script down. I had to sit in a chair and act out the emotions that this woman who had been betrayed would’ve had without saying a single word. They wanted me to show confusion and anger to crying and sadness. I tried my best and then he had me do it again. After I was done they both said I was amazing. I went to the car and called Jeremy right away and then Grandma. I’m so grateful for this opportunity that somehow I feel like made me a better person .

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