no other success

Today while jogging I listened to the most recent devotional at byui. It was inspiring and funny! The most powerful part for me came when he asked this penetrating question, “Is parenthood something you will be content measuring your success by?” I think that is so  profound and so true! Don’t you love it! We should be measuring our success by the Gods standards not the worlds and that of social media… speaking of social media:) I posted this recently…

Mother Teresa said “if you want to change the world go home and love your family.” This rings true to me. With every song sung at bedtime, every story shared,lesson taught, meal prepared, memory created, I will be changing the world in small and seemingly insignificant Ways. I love that we don’t know much about Jesus’s childhood! Just one verse in all of Scripture. These few years is the time to prepare our children quietly, reverently for their own missions, their own gethsemanes. It should be respected and regarded as the greatest possible thing anyone can do, to nurture a child,to love them and prepare them to enter the world. It seems Heaven is near when we hold a baby, or sit on the bed and listen to our teens. When we see them for who they are… our spirit brothers and sisters with a divine destiny on loan to us for awhile, and if we prove our loyalty to God, He will let us keep them forever .That is influence, that is power.

I know  that no other success or worldly thing can compensate for failure in the home. I know the only success that will matter is how we showed Christ like love to those in our own family. I love being a mom, its the hardest, but most rewarding endeavor the human experience has to offer!

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