the test

Not only did Jeremy decide yo go back to college, but he determined that he would get straight A’s.This week he’s had three exams that count for a huge portion of his grade.They were more than three hours long and he aced all of them. Coming out of the testing center after one exam I got this text holy smokes I got 100 percent! and after another, “I almost had a panic attack! the fist half were not from the study guide. luckily I figured out the last half and went back to do the first.” He ended up with a 96 %.This has come at a price. He’s almost had a breakdown, his face is peeling off from stress, and he doesn’t get more than a couple hours of sleep. He studies his huge heart out all day and all night to keep focused on that goal. This week I’ve been studying and pondering the recent address by elder Cook.In it he quotes Heber C. Kimball who was one of the original Twelve Apostles of this dispensation and First Counselor to President Brigham Young. He warned: “The time is coming when … it will be difficult to tell the face of a Saint from the face of an enemy to the people of God. Then … look out for the great sieve, for there will be a great sifting time, and many will fall.” He concluded that there is “a TEST coming.

I thought of Jeremy who had studied with all his might for something that would account for a large part of his final grade and he was rewarded accordingly. There is a great test coming in each of our lives. The test will be to see who is on the Lords side, who is valiant in their faith and testimony of Jesus. I believe that is true. How can we be prepared when so much is at stake? I think like Jeremy we need to know what we want and have that vision before us continually. I want to be in the celestial l kingdom. I want to be able to look up at my savior when he comes again and not be ashamed. Then we must study and increase our faith in Jesus Christ. This will not come easy. The price He paid was not cheap. We must give all our hearts and minds to passing this test. We must answer for ourselves like the disciples of old the question asked by the savior, “will ye also go away?” For myself, the answer is, no way. I’m not going anywhere.

There is a test coming. It will be the only test that matters in time and eternity. the time to prepare is now.


I can trust these faces to not be an enemy to God and that our home can be a safe haven.

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