the hand of God in our lives



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In response to some specific needs and our family I had an idea that I’m sure was from a divine source. I talked it over with Jeremy and he was as excited as me to implement it right away! I wasn’t sure if we would be successful, but I knew we had to try. It seemed a couple of our children were struggling with feelings of sadness and even feeling God’s love for them.The idea was so simple and yet the results have been monumental.  Two months ago, I got everyone a little notebook from the dollar store. I introduce this new family tradition by reading a talk from President Eyring titled ” o remember, remember.” Most nights since, after we have family scripture study we write in our books how we have seen the hand of God in her life that day. Its a quiet, reverent atmosphere where we have felt the influence of the Holy ghost so strong in our home. We do it even when were tired, or may not want to, the first month we did it consistently everyday. It’s been nothing short of a miracle in all our lives. At first it may have been hard for some to see His hand in their life, but the more we did it the easier became. It was so clear that He is everywhere and definitely in the details of our lives! I have noticed a change in our family. The children genuinely seem happier! We have had less contention and more joy. I see their faith strengthening and their eyes opening to spiritual things. I see the hand of God in it.  I feel grateful for this impression and the fruit it’s seemed to bear within just a few days of starting it.




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