Dallin’s birthday and the 2nd coming



For Dallins 12th birthday I excitedly woke up one morning with the idea to plan a surprise party.  he found out about it on my phone in a text to Carli. He told me and then he started to cry because he felt so bad about it! Through his tears he said, “I really wanted to surprise party! ” I comforted him by telling him that he didn’t know  exactly when it would happen he just knew that it would. it seemed to work and the rest of the week he didn’t talk about it. When the time came he was very very surprised!  He was so happy! He kept thanking me and saying it was the perfect party.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the second coming of Jesus Christ. We know it is coming but no one knows when… not even the girl I saw at BYU who was holding a cardboard sign that said “the end is near”. I know that only God knows.  But I’m looking forward to it! I know it will be as perfect and wonderful as it was for Dallin on his surprise party. I know that if our lamps are filled we don’t need to fear. Like the parable of the fig tree, We should be looking for the signs of his coming.  In general conference I keep hearing ending testimonies that we need to be ready and that he is coming soon. Recently elder Anderson said to the priesthood “I testify of the majesty but most of all of the certainty of  this magnificent event. The Savior lives. He will return to the earth..” And Elder Holland said in his closing remarks “please listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost telling you right now that you should accept the atoning gift of the Lord Jesus Christ. don’t delay. It’s getting late.” And again from Elder Anderson, “our faith grows as we anticipate the glorious day of the saviors return to the earth the thought of his coming stirs my soul it will be breathtaking the scope  and grander will exceed anything mortal eyes have ever seen or experienced!”

Like Dallin  we know that it’s going to happen but we don’t know when.Like Dallin we can continue to live our life each day to the fullest and not worry about the exact time. I think we will be going about our lives and be very surprised when He comes again because he will come as a thief in the night… when we least expect it. What a wonderful time to be on the earth! To think we were foreordained to prepare the world for the return of the king of kings!

A painting by Harry Anderson showing Christ in white robes and a red sash, standing on a cloud with His arms outstretched.Jesus Christ in white robes and a red sash, standing on a cloud in the air, surrounded by thousands of angels blowing trumpets.






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