I love the temple!!

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I was feeling the tug of the world and the adversary trying to pull me down this week. I knew I needed to get to the temple. I rushed to make it to the 1 o’clock session and just as it began, I felt peace envelop me.  I prayed to know how I could be a better daughter, how I could show my love better to Heavenly father. I remembered what I read this morning in the book of Mormon, how the people forgot God  and their hearts were placed on the things of this world. I started to express in my heart  all of the things I was thankful for. I pictured each of my children and prayed for them by name, tears stream down my face. I thought of all the blessings He has given me. I prayed that I would never have any root for pride to grow in my heart, I prayed to be filled with charity. I always want my heart and affections to be placed on God and on his son who is the perfect example.  I prayed for forgiveness of my sins so I could be clean. I love repentance! I love that I can do it often, daily! I am so grateful for Grace. The experience I had at the veil is sacred and brought tender emotions.  Then I sat in the celestial room with tears pouring down my face because I could feel so intensely God’s love for me. That is what really makes all the difference isn’t it? It’s tasting of the fruit that Lehi saw that is so sweet, and precious above all other things that makes you want to keep going, holding on tight to the rod. I must keep pressing forward . With that assurance I knew I could face the world again. I was reminded that I have a purpose and mission to fulfill. To just sit in my Fathers house and feel close to him for a little while gave me the strength and perspective I needed.  I could feel the enabling power of the atonement wash over me. When I walked out the door I was a better mother, wife and follower of Christ.  I wish I could put into words how much I love the temple, how its power and peace are tangible!  I pushed open those big temple doors with a smile. Looking up at the sun, I said out loud ” I am so happy to be alive father!” I love this day ,I love my life and I’m grateful for it!”IMG_3195

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