To all the girls in the library who have asked my husband for his number,

You saw him sitting there so handsome and smart. You bravely approach to start up a conversation. you’re a returned missionary working on a masters degree, or you’re in pre-med. You’re smart, so naturally you find the best guy the university has to offer. You talk with this stranger and find out quickly he’s a great listener, kind and funny. yup… you’re thinking this guy is pretty perfect. You ask him if you can take this conversation elsewhere, while sipping some hot chocolate. Maybe I should feel threatened and write some thing more like…”you cow! get away from my man!” but that is not at all what this is about. In fact I’d thank you because it made me laugh when he told me, and it made me appreciate him more. I’d also want you to know that I hope you  find someone like him as rare as he may be. We aren’t perfect, when one of you approached him, we were having a little fight over some misunderstanding. But he turned to me instead of to you, and that’s the kind of man you want to. We have had 16 years to  say I’m sorry and work through some real tough stuff, we’ve also had 16 years of absolute joy and pure happiness. I can see him look at me now the way he did all those years ago. sometimes I can see glimpses into eternity with him, and it is more than I could’ ve imagined a happily ever after to be. So all you college girlies, flirt and approach the man on campus who is the hottest of them all, but prepare to be rejected and publically humiliated. Then pick yourself up and be brave again. Finding a man like him is worth it. As for me, I’ll continue to relish in the bliss that out of all the guys who proposed, I picked the one who continues to be my perfect match.

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You are and forever will be, the love of my life!

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