
no other success

Today while jogging I listened to the most recent devotional at byui. It was inspiring and funny! The most powerful part for me came when he asked this penetrating question, “Is parenthood something you will be content measuring your success by?” I think that is so  profound and so true! Don’t you love it! We should […]

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the test

Not only did Jeremy decide yo go back to college, but he determined that he would get straight A’s.This week he’s had three exams that count for a huge portion of his grade.They were more than three hours long and he aced all of them. Coming out of the testing center after one exam I got […]

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the hand of God in our lives

    In response to some specific needs and our family I had an idea that I’m sure was from a divine source. I talked it over with Jeremy and he was as excited as me to implement it right away! I wasn’t sure if we would be successful, but I knew we had to […]

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Dallin’s birthday and the 2nd coming

img_9837   For Dallins 12th birthday I excitedly woke up one morning with the idea to plan a surprise party.  he found out about it on my phone in a text to Carli. He told me and then he started to cry because he felt so bad about it! Through his tears he said, “I really wanted to surprise […]

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What my depression taught me

Recently I have heard from those close to me of  three teenage girls who have tried and even succeeded in taking their own life.  In church we have talked about depression and suicide A lot in recent months.  It has become  very personal to me with those I care about most. It is my intention […]

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the way he looks at me

I think I knew Jeremy was the one from the way he looked at me. And the fact that He was the lead singer of a rock band😉 when he proposed he sang “wonderful tonight” while playing the guitar on a blanket in the middle of a park underneath the stars. He changed the last […]

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a few favs

I enjoy it when people share their favorite things and most things I try come from recommendations from blogs.  My sister Lyndi, at lyndi in the city,  is amazing for really good advice on all kinds of beauty. I was not blessed with this gift. She has also spent a lot a lot of time and […]

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my eternal dream

From the day thoughts first formed that I can remember I longed for you, for these moments. Each day I prepared by nurturing others children as if they were my own. For over a quarter century I grew and longed for you, Until you came into my arms a piece of me lay empty and […]

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