Month: February 2015


Hope…(not the girl)

  After we were married Jeremy s first job was in Venice beach, CA. just walking distance from the ocean. I would meet him for lunch sometimes and we’d walk down to the sand and enjoy his hour together. One day I met him after work so we could go for a swim together. After […]

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  The day I was set apart as a full time missionary was up until that time one of the highlights of my life. During a sacred blessing the stake presidency and my dad set me apart and made prophetic promises that sent my soul soaring with faith in what would be. I was promised […]

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A sunday stroll

    I have a beautiful place just 5 minutes away where I love to jog sometimes. I wanted to show it to my family so Sunday after church we took a walk on the dirt road where the views are amazing! I showed them this home that I’ve always liked and thought if I […]

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