my eternal dream

From the day thoughts first formed that I can remember

I longed for you, for these moments.

Each day I prepared by nurturing others children as if they were my own.

For over a quarter century I grew and longed for you,

Until you came into my arms a piece of me lay empty

and now with you my joy is full.

What are these whisperings so strong and clear,

that say motherhood is part of an exalted sphere?

What is this feeling so deep and profound

that rises with me when I lay this mortal body down?

Like mother Eve whose vision and courage brought

pain, suffering, progression and incomprehensible love, I see more clearly what is my divine destiny.

There is no hobby no activity I’d rather do

than read to, sing to, and play with you.

These brief years while you are in my care I will give every talent, ability,and

all my time and energy to helping you grow.

Because your happiness makes me happy.

I will choose you over every other pursuit,or anything else that doesn’t bear lasting fruit.

I know our home is where my greatest power lies

and this is where my greatest influence is maximized.

I will prepare you to be the fathers and mothers I would want you to have. I will see you for who you really are;

my spirit siblings, gods and goddesses in embryo, and my posterity.

To love you the way I do is to see the face of God,

To live with you is to live in heaven on earth.

This is my dream that will go on for time and eternity,

it is to hear you call me “mother”.

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2008 - Jan 2009 343


scan 40


298 Dallin, Wilson, Hope & Socks (Halloween)





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