To see the face of God


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We started off the morning with great conversation over gigantic blueberry protein pancakes. I listened to kate and Dallin  talk about their favorite teachers were the ones that let them hug each other when they saw what another in the hall. And then Dallin told me a story that Made my day.  He said that there are a lot of cute girls in his class. The cute girls like to watch them play baseball during lunch and recess lately they’ve been acting as cheerleaders during their games where Dalin  had a couple of homeruns! One day savanna asked if she could play baseball . Simon and Dallin said OK but Simon said “I’m going to hit for you” and Dallin said” I’m going to run for you” so they did, and after Dallin slid into home  home-base he said “savanna that homerun was for you.” Chivalry is alive and well!”  As I cleaned and did my chores I would think about that story and smile. Been around 830 Don came in the door after scouts. He was visibly upset fighting back tears. With clenched fist he told me how angry he was and that he hated girls . One at the church open physically and verbally abusive dumping water on him and trying to choke him he had kicked her to get away and rode his bike home he said how angry he was at her then he left and went downstairs . He came up sometime later when we called him for scripture and prayer. When I went down to tuck him in and say good night he told me of the sweet and sacred experience he said hello mom I went downstairs to my bed and nail down next to it and prayed for a long time. I poured out my heart to heavenly father and told him everything that happened tonight  then I asked him to forgive me and I repented. Then I saw God’s face and he was smiling at me and I felt peace.”  I had to that boy and told him how proud I was of him. I told him how grateful I was that on his own to pray and seek help from his Father in Heaven.  Sometimes I just can’t put into words what a privilege it is to be a mother.

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