personal revelation for any time

“Throughout the ages, many have obtained guidance helpful to resolve challenges in their lives by following the example of respected individuals who resolved similar problems. Today, world conditions change so rapidly that such a course of action is often not available to us.

Personally, I rejoice in that reality because it creates a condition where we, of necessity, are more dependent upon the Spirit to guide us through the vicissitudes of life. Therefore, we are led to seek personal inspiration in life’s important decisions.” Elder Richard G. Scott

 I am grateful for this inspired counsel as I have taken it to heart this last week. The church handbook recently included a new provision regarding children of homosexual couples who are living together and practicing that lifestyle . This would mean that that child could not receive a name and a blessing, baptism or the priesthood until they were 18. I know how I felt when I first read it, but then there was an onslaught of many who I admire and respect  Who seemed to be jumping ship and throwing rocks at those who are still aboard. That’s what made me cry. It wasn’t the policy change, it was so many that I love who became full of hate and anger toward the church leaders and those that followed them , at least on social media. I took Elder Scotts advice, I knelt down in the office when it was quiet and I could be alone. I had studied it out in my mind for almost a week and I asked God if this was from him and the answer came. It was clear and sweet, and filled  my soul with hope and happiness. The answer was “yes, it is from me.” Now I knew for myself. I actually got up and started singing and skipping around the house. But then I went back to my knees and asked, “what should I do?”  On the churches website right next to the announcement of the policy change is President Nelson’s talk titled “a plea to my sisters” I wondered if that meant God wanted me to speak up and speak out in defending the prophet and this church. As I prayed and pondered for some time I received an answer  again.

Matthew 26:36–56, The soldiers coming to find Christ

Matthew 26:45–50, Christ is betrayed

Matthew 26:36–56, Christ arrested by a group of soldiers


I recalled Peter on that dark night in gethsemane when a fellow disciple brought an angry mob to attack Jesus. Peter’s reaction was to draw his sword and fight  for the Savior. I pictured him standing next to Jesus and as the mob of soldiers took a step forward he sliced off one of the soldiers ears. Then I saw Jesus calmly looking over at Peter and saying it’s OK, and then reaching out and healing the man.  At that time Peter couldn’t see the whole scope of what God had in mind, he couldn’t possibly understand what was really about to happen. Even though he knew, and we know from Elder Nelson  recent address that it’s going to get harder, but it’s part of Gods plan, Jesus would have to suffer. All that Peter could do was to stand by him and watch. That’s what I thought I was to do, I felt the Savior lovingly telling me to be still, to be quiet and stand by Him. I felt how much he loved those who question their faith, and even those who are attacking it . Recently as I have watched the funerals of elder Scott, elder Perry and president Packer, I  received a renewed conviction of their relationship with the Savior. Jesus actually speaks to them face-to-face, they see him in the flesh and they speak on his behalf . This change is not something made up by fallible men! It came from 15 men who came to an agreement as one body who were under direction from the Lord, men I sustain as prophet’s seers, and revelators. I believe the Lord when he said  “whether by mine own voice or the voice of my servants it is the same .”

Back to Elder Scott ‘s quote and why it’s so important that we each receive our own revelation. Maybe for some of you it is to be like Esther and have courage to speak out, or raise the title of liberty Like captain Moroni. For each of us the answer on how to act may be different. For me, learning how to recognize how the voice of the Lord is my greatest task and journey in life. I feel I have come to know it in an intimate way, and so I can be confident when He speaks to me. Last night in the family prayer Jeremy prayed fervently on behalf of those who are struggling with this change, particularly those in our own extended family. Then we discussed it with our children. It was a beautiful scene, the spirit was strong. A realization came in that moment that could’ve come in no other way. Yes, the Lord does speak to his servants and He is  mindful and merciful toward all his children! I thought what it would be like for a child to be in that same setting with two moms, two women who are married, who love each other, and their children.  I have seen this example in my own life. These children love their moms, and they are some of the greatest moms I have seen. How confusing  and isolating that would feel to  belong to a faith that upholds the doctrine of Christ that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is a  most grievous sin. Our children believe and trust Jeremy and I, and for now, until they are older, that is how it should be. I know this first hand because of my experience at 18 when I went searching for the truth. I atteneded many other churches and participated and studied with them. I came to know for my self that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has the fullness of Christ’s gospel. It truly is His church and he stands at the head of it.

As I went back to re- read elder Nelsons talk these were the words that jumped off the page to me

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“Attacks against the Church, its doctrine, and our way of life are going to increase. Because of this, we need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who will use that understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation.We need women who can detect deception in all of its forms. We need women who know how to access the power that God makes available to covenant keepers and who express their beliefs with confidence and charity.”

I can help raise sin resistant children! I can do that. I must do it. That is what Jesus would have me do at this time in my life. There is so much good to enjoy, so much to be happy about! The work  of God will go forth, no unhallowed hand can stop it. So I feel peace and hope in a bright future because I know in whom I have trusted. There is, like peter once said, no where else for me to go.

Luke 22:31–34, Jesus warns Peter

A photograph of a girl holding an image of Christ, with a quote by President Russell M. Nelson: “Your faith is always safe … in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

I love my Savior! He is my best friend. I want to be more like Him.

Because this blog is for my children, my nieces and nephews, and my closest friends, I hope this will bring peace to your soul if  you are ever in a similar situation.

Turn to Him. Trust in Him. Learn to hear His voice.

John 11:1–44, Mary of Bethany and others mourn for Lazarus



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