Heavenly mother

I was putting kate to bed and she asked ” do I have a Heavenly mother?… because I know we have a Heavenly father but I’m a girl, and I like girls!” “yes, you do!” I  said with confidence. “What do you think she is like?” “I’m not sure”, she said. “They don’t really talk about her in the scriptures.”

” you’re right.” I replied, “the scriptures don’t seem to mention her at all”. Her 6 year old attention capacity was over and onto another subject but the thought remained with me and left me wanting more. I had been studying about the nature of God because I wanted to know Him better, so I felt this came at a perfect time. For you my dear friends, and for my posterity I will tell you what I have learned. First off, the only way to know our Heavenly parents is through personal revelation, and that is a tricky thing. Answers do not come just because we are curious. Answers for truth come the same way as Moroni described, through an honest and humble heart, one who truly is diligent and seeking answers from the Holy ghost. I feel I am no expert on such things, nor am I learned in the ways of men. But this is  my personal journey. My hope is that these things may inspire you to a similar journey and find for yourself who your Heavenly mother is. In doing so you will find out more about yourself than ever before, and it will become even more clear why you are here.


The Prophet Joseph Smith said: “It is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the Character of God” (Teachings, 345).the Prophet Joseph further stated, “If any man does not know God, . . . he will realize that he has not eternal life; for there can be eternal life on no other principle” . In His great high-priestly or Intercessory Prayer, the Savior confirmed that life eternal was to “know . . . the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom [the Father] hast sent” (John 17:3).

“If men do not comprehend the character of God,” said Joseph Smith, “they do not comprehend themselves” (Teachings, 343). God and men are of the same divine, eternal species, and if we do not comprehend the nature of God, we cannot appreciate our divine parentage nor the very real potential we possess to become like our heavenly parents.” okay, so to really comprehend ourselves as women and girls we need to know our heavenly mother.

God Must Be Revealed.

Not from google. Not from the internet. Do not go there!

Go to the only source of truth. You know where that is.


Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve provided this insight:( I really love this!)

God is known only by revelation; he stands revealed or remains forever unknown. He cannot be discovered in the laboratory, or by viewing all immensity through giant telescopes, or by cataloging all the laws of nature that do or have existed. A knowledge of his powers and the laws of nature which he has ordained does not reveal his personality and attributes to men in the true gospel sense. Certainly a knowledge of these laws and powers enables man to learn truths which are faith promoting and which help him to understand more about Deity; but saving knowledge of God comes only by revelation from the Holy Ghost as a consequence of obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel.

Man’s purpose in life is to learn the nature and kind of being that God is, and then, by conformity to his laws and ordinances, to progress to that high state of exaltation wherein man becomes perfect as the Father is perfect.”

one of the talks I was led to was by Andrew skinner. In it he addresses the narure of God and states

“Jesus’ desire to have His disciples understand and know God the Father is clearly demonstrated in such teachings as His exhortation to His disciples to live so righteously and present such fine examples that others would see their good works and glorify their Father in Heaven (see Matthew 5:16).”

“Practically speaking, I think the Savior is telling us here that each of us has the obligation and the opportunity to live in such a manner that our friends and family members can more fully understand what our Heavenly Father is actually like because they see something of His divine nature in us and the Holy Spirit is able to confirm that such examples are authentic.”

I have had the great blessing in my life of coming to know, in part, what our Heavenly Father is like by observing some of His characteristics and personality traits in the lives of dear friends, colleagues, and students here at the university, file leaders, apostles and prophets, and members of my own family. Brothers and sisters, can we who are parents or potential parents not see that our behavior makes it easier or harder for others to come to know—or even desire to know—our Father in Heaven? There is a great compelling power about those who the Spirit tells us are like our Heavenly Father.”

I was so excited about this concept as the spirit filled my mind with light. I thought of the women I knew who exemplified godly attributes and I began to cathch a glimpse of who our heavenly mother is from them. Each phase of my life they were divinely sent and with each one I felt the same distinct impression of their goodness. I felt the Holy ghost whispering to me to  watch and learn from them.




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These women and many more have influenced my view of Heavenly mother. They have made her real to me. As I look around I see countless manifestations of heavenly mother  in women who nurture and bless lives without recognition or fanfare. They are doing exactly what our perfect mother in heaven is doing right now, because they know who they are and who they will one day become.


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