Once upon a time a loving family traveled to a faraway land where adventures awaited them. Upon leaving the magical Island they hoped to find a seashell, but according to the all knowing google that seashells were not found here. The beloved island fairy named Angela had heard the request and quickly replied, “oh I know a place called secret seashell beach, a small part of the island where seashells are rare.” Angela knew about secret underwater caves and secret hikes to majestic waterfalls, so of course she would know this place too. After enjoying a picnic on the beach kate came running and said “come quick! this is great time to look for shells” It was exciting to find so many, they were beautiful. It became a curious thing how they appeared in only a certain part of the beach. I wonder….. Days later we found the truth. That kind fairy had brought seashells and placed them along the sand for us to find. And they really did live happily ever after.
This is a true story! It encompasses the sweetness of us getting to enjoy Hawaii as a family. As I’ve reflected on this real life dream come true, I’ve seen how A loving Heaving Father put things into place long ago for this trip to happen. It was like He had placed seashells all along the way to getting here. All 6 of us flying at the price for one us, because of our brother in laws kindness…seashell. Finding out a week before that there was enough available seats to fly standby from LA….seashell. Leaving at 5am from Utah to catch an evening flight from LA without any trouble ….seashell. Getting an air b n b only 5 days before we arrived that fit our family, with 3 bedrooms, that just happen to lower $100 so it was 165. a night….. seashell. A rental car for 5 days for 120.00 ….seashell. Guided tours to the most amazing places by David and Angie…Seashell. I can see them scattered all over from Heavenly parents who know how to give their children every good gift. I know this sounds silly, but I prayed for this trip. I asked specifically years ago. I almost thought it wouldn’t happen. It seemed impossible, like finding a whole sand dollar on Oahu. But this was the year, when we finally graduated college, got a job, and even though we ate oatmeal and beans for most of our food in Hawaii, we have these memories. Memories that will last forever.