bah! humbug!!

It’s October, and yes I was listening, no, dancing around the kitchen to Christmas music. Jeremy walked in to the room and said with disgust “uggg! Christmas music?”… “I hate Christmas” all Grinch like. Well, instead of getting mad for demeaning my favorite holiday and my happy moment, I asked sincerely why. And there it was…I don’t hate it …it ‘s just that we spend a lot of money.” He is working harder than he ever has in his life! We are living off of the equity from our home with very little allotted each month to cover basic necessities. We’ve always been on a tight budget, hence the need to go back to school . I’ve never spent more than 600 dollars on Christmas which may seem like a lot or a little to some, I’ve always felt we’ve been very fortunate, and blessed with angels who gave gifts when we didn’t have enough. (and that budget is for extended family; parents, grandparents, cousins siblings and our own family..)



Right then something came over me! “We won’t spend any money this year on Christmas” I said enthusiastically! “It will be the best Christmas ever!” Dallin and kate were at the table eating breakfast before school. I saw Dallin’s jaw drop. and then the shock and awe overwhelmed him. “wait what?! you’re not serious, are you?!”  “Yes!” I said with a big smile.  “And its going to be the best Christmas ever!” I said again. He isn’t buying it.( bahhaaa get it?:) I explained , “Santa will surely come and leave a little something in your stocking and grandma and grandpa always get you something fun! we can do this!” kate seemed ok with it after realizing Christmas wasn’t cancelled and there’s plenty of ways to celebrate and enjoy without the money! I stooped down on the kitchen floor to her eye level I told her how much I love the pictures and thoughtful notes she leaves me those are the gifts I will keep forever. she smiled warmly and that was all it took. We talked about the things she loves about Christmas besides presents, the elf on the shelf, family time, drinking hot cocoa and setting up the tree. She skipped off to school with her older brother whose head hang very low. He came back and was still mope about it. I thought of a couple Christmases ago when he asked Santa for socks, and how happy he was to get them! I saw into his kind heart ,and found that he was more concerned about everyone else. He doesn’t want us to be” hobos on the street”  because we ran out of money, it was very sweet. I’m determined to make this Christmas one, Dallin, Jeremy and everyone else in this house will never forget. Im going to start preparing and constructing a Christmas to remember filled with love and service! I’m going to help Jeremy love Christmas again and not stress out when he hears songs like ,”oh there’s no place like home for the holidays!” HA! what are some of  your Christmas traditions? what are the things you remember from Christmas as a child? Thank you for helping me!


I’m going to take you on this little Christmas journey with me! I’ll tell you all bout how we find joy in Christmas without spending a penny!:)



2 thoughts on “bah! humbug!!

  1. I love this! Our favorite tradition is to hang an extra stocking for Jesus. All season, we tell our girls that unless they Are PERFECT, Santa won’t bring them anything in their stocking except coal. Then, on Christmas morning, the girls find their stockings stuffed with goodies but Jesus’ stocking has 4 pieces of coal. Santa writes them a letter saying that Jesus was the only one in the entire family who was PERFECT all season. But He begged Santa to let him take the coal so that we could all still get presents. We love it. The girls seem to “get it”

    1. Thank you for this wonderful comment! I’m so happy you shared your tradition! we will definitley be using it this year! this is such a beautiful and poignant lesson. what a great visual of the atonement. I love you so much! thanks again!

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