our weekly tradition of F.H.E. (family home evening)


Hope gave a fantastic lesson. she told the familiar account of peter walking on water to Jesus. she asked what are the waves in our lives that take our focus off the savior.  Wilson made delicious melt in your mouth chocolate chip cookies. he asked if theres a way to keep that wonderful smell in our house forever. We had a very eventful & memorable time making a movie together. I can say from almost 17 years of experience that planning for and creating meaningful family home evenings have brought us closer. Sometimes there’s crying, sometimes there’s arguing, sometimes there is, “I don’t want to do that activity!” but theres Always the spirit of love and togetherness and no matter what ,we do it every week.( even if its a very feeble attempt.):)



” For more than a hundred years, Church leaders have called us to set aside uninterrupted time each week. Family home evening is not a lecture from Mom and Dad. It is our family time to share simple spiritual concepts and experiences, to help our children learn to care and share, have fun together, bear testimony together, and grow and progress together. As we hold family home evening every week, our love for one another will grow stronger and we will suffer less.”


Robert D. Hales Oct.2016


please click below and enjoy the show!!haaaaa!:):)xoxo


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