

Today was great, really great! After school Hope helped Dallin with his monthly project. it was  a power point presentation on medieval clothing. With his secret weapon…(aka Hope) Dallin completed his presentation in under an hour. It was a miracle. It was a miracle he did it. Dallin has been getting so much better emotionally at […]

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weekend memories

Hope and I went to see lala land in Provo on Saturday, we both loved it. Then we went shopping and got Hope a new outfit for church. We had fro yo and enjoyed some great convo. :)I just love her with all my heart and soul! when we got home I made homemade pizza […]

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I love Sundays! Long before celebrities thought it was cool, Jeremy thought of the idea to name one of our kids Sunday and we almost did. I love that we are being admonished to keep the Sabbath day as a protection to us. I love how we are told to make it a  delight and it […]

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brooke taylor, thank you!

Every day I pray to be an instrument in Gods hands for good. I don’t know if or when I’ve been an answer to someone else’s prayer, but yesterday I saw how someone was an answer to mine. Discouragement and depression began to creep in a few days ago. I was scared. I prayed. I […]

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laugh at it…someday

Both my girls had embarrassing moments in school yesterday. As I listened, and tried not to laugh because it was super funny.. I told them some of my embarrassing stories, like when I was Kates age in second grade I really loved playing wall ball with the boys during lunch. I ran out of the […]

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25 days of Christmas “light the world”

Day 1 On this world wide day of service I’ve been pondering the many, many kind acts of service that have been given to our family alone! We could light the world with them! I will be sharing a few throughout the day. this morning in so many ways this story has symbolism to the […]

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